Apr 29, 2013

Infographic: Percent of On-Time Payments by Credit Score

April 29, 2013 On-time payments are an important factor in credit score calculations. An analysis of the percent of on-time payments for each credit score range illustrates that vividly. Amy Leone is the Public Relations Coordinator at Credit Karma. Before joining the team in June 2012 she spent most of her career as a TV news […]

Apr 25, 2013

10 U.S. Cities with the Lowest Mortgage Debt

April 25, 2013 Mortgage debt is dependent on a number of factors, including home price, downpayment and amount and interest rates. An analysis of the 10 U.S. cities with the lowest mortgage debt found a wide range in the 10 U.S. cities with the least average amount still owed on their homes. Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA – $79,991 […]

Apr 5, 2013

The Lifecycle of Debt and Credit Scores

April 5, 2013 Here at the Credit Karma Blog we’ve talked before about the average national credit score and average debt load. We’ve taken a look at potential credit score rivalries and how different credit score ranges compare when it comes to debt, on-time payments and number of accounts. A while back, we took a […]

Mar 22, 2013

10 U.S. Cities with the Highest Student Loan Debt

March 22, 2013 Each month, we take a look at data from our members to analyze the current state of credit and debt in the U.S. This month we’re honing in on student loan debt, which has been a hot topic for quite some time now. What we found might surprise you. Here’s a rundown […]

Mar 8, 2013

Now on Android: Credit Karma Mobile!

March 8, 2013 We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Android app—Credit Karma Mobile! Now you Android users can get your credit score on-the-go and for free. Here’s what you get with the app: Truly free credit scores. The app will automatically update your credit score on a weekly basis. You’ll also see when […]

Feb 8, 2013

Updates to Credit Karma’s Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

February 8, 2013 Credit Karma has grown a lot since we gave out our first free credit score in 2008. We now have more than 10 million members and have made lots of changes and upgrades, including free credit monitoring and our mobile app. As we continue to grow, it’s important that we review and update our Privacy […]

Nov 28, 2012

Credit 101: Credit Score Changes

November 28, 2012 It’s been a while since we’ve visited the Credit 101 classroom. But a topic bears further review. In today’s post, we’ll flesh out some of the details and try to tackle two of the most common questions we receive: How often do credit scores change? Your credit score changes when something on […]

May 5, 2011

Credit 101: Soft & Hard Inquiries

May 5, 2011 It’s important to know the difference between soft and hard inquiries for two reasons: a soft inquiry will not affect your credit score while a hard inquiry will, and sometimes it’s unclear what type of inquiry a company or lender will initiate. So let’s find out what these inquiries mean for you […]

Apr 21, 2011

Credit 101: How Your Credit Score Range Affects Credit Card and Loan Options

April 21, 2011 In last week’s post, we brushed up on the basics about credit score differences between credit bureaus and even within the same credit bureau. Now, let’s discuss the significance that three digit number might have to lenders looking at your credit. Let’s take a look at credit ranges based on TransUnion’s range and […]

Apr 14, 2011

Credit 101: Credit Score Differences

April 14, 2011 One of the biggest misconceptions about credit is that there is one correct credit score. In fact, there are dozens of credit score models. Not only does each credit bureau report a different credit score model, but even within the same bureau several credit score models exist. With so many credit score models […]