May 5, 2011

Credit 101: Soft & Hard Inquiries

May 5, 2011 It’s important to know the difference between soft and hard inquiries for two reasons: a soft inquiry will not affect your credit score while a hard inquiry will, and sometimes it’s unclear what type of inquiry a company or lender will initiate. So let’s find out what these inquiries mean for you […]

Apr 21, 2011

Credit 101: How Your Credit Score Range Affects Credit Card and Loan Options

April 21, 2011 In last week’s post, we brushed up on the basics about credit score differences between credit bureaus and even within the same credit bureau. Now, let’s discuss the significance that three digit number might have to lenders looking at your credit. Let’s take a look at credit ranges based on TransUnion’s range and […]

Apr 14, 2011

Credit 101: Credit Score Differences

April 14, 2011 One of the biggest misconceptions about credit is that there is one correct credit score. In fact, there are dozens of credit score models. Not only does each credit bureau report a different credit score model, but even within the same bureau several credit score models exist. With so many credit score models […]

Apr 7, 2011

Credit 101: Your Credit Glossary

April 7, 2011 Here’s a basic glossary of credit terms, helpful as a reference tool, for those new or knowledgeable on credit. Bankruptcy: Filing for bankruptcy means that you have requested legal assistance to pay off your debt. Because it is one of the worst negative records you can have you your credit report, it is usually […]

Mar 24, 2011

Credit 101: Anatomy of a Credit Score

March 24, 2011 Have you taken the Credit Karma credit score quiz. Before you do, you might want to brush up on the basics. Anatomy of a Credit Score Your credit score is a three-digit number that has an effect on many areas of your financial life. It’s used by lenders to determine your creditworthiness, […]