Intuit Credit Karma
Andrew Burton/Getty Images News/Getty Images North AmericaImage: A cornerstone of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, who reported that U.S. household debt has climbed to record $13.15 trillion
Image: missing-payment-information-credit-reports
Image: Young woman smiles as she checks her wristwatch in her home office, wondering how the age of her credit history impacts her credit scores,
Image: Saving in your 20s, represented by a tanning piggy bank
Image: Business credit scores represented by an open for business sign
Image: Young women relaxing on a couch in a sunny room, looking at her phone with her laptop on her lap
Image: Smiling woman relaxes after using a hardship plan to dig herself out of debt.
Image: Woman checks her credit reports for a lender name change
Image: Young woman tossing confetti to celebrate the New Year and her financial New Year's resolutions
Image: Young woman sitting on steps in a marketplace, looking purposefully at the screen of her smartphone in her hands
Image: Woman researches tax lien online
Image: A woman in a yoga class gazes ahead while holding the warrior II position.
Image: Woman looking at her savings, hoping to shave off some of her debt in the new year with Credit Karma's 30-day debt loss challenge
Image: A man with gray hair holds a pen and studies his laptop, wondering what happens when you file bankruptcy.
Image: Man holding credit card while pondering penalty apr, trying to figure out what is penalty apr.
Photo of Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell by Chip Somodevilla/Getty ImagesImage: Fed Chairman Jerome Powell testifies before Congress.
Image: Smiling woman with credit card online shopping at her home decorated with holiday cheer, happy that she's using her credit card rewards to help her pay for gifts and avoid holiday debt
Image: Smiling woman using Credit Karma Direct Dispute feature on her phone
Image: Donna helps her grandson tend the garden
Image: woman sitting at desk looking at laptop and wondering how long public records are available
Image: Man sitting in kitchen, speaking on phone with his credit card company and negotiating his debt.
Image: Young woman on laptop, learning about the three credit bureaus
Image: Man and woman are at an ATM debating credit vs debit vs cash
Image: Couple analyzing bills realizing that household debt is on the rise in America
Image: Young woman studying in a library after learning how to get a credit score.
Image: Young immigrant couple taking a selfie in the airport
Image: Young woman looks at a credit card while contemplating 5 ways to get a credit score
Image: Concerned woman ponders how to rebuild credit
Image: Woman using credit card wondering why lenders care about credit card utilization
Image: Frustrated woman wondering how to reapply for a credit card after being denied
Image: Young, puzzled woman wants to learn about credit score factors
Image: Hip woman explaining credit counseling to a young man
Image: Man standing alongside his bicycle, listening to music on his phone and smiling
Image: Young man smiling because he has the highest credit score, and can teach you how to get your fico score and other credit scores.