The Karma Guarantee.1 Confidence that pays off.
If you aren’t approved for a credit card offer with the Karma Guarantee, we’ll send $50 your way.

Get approved or get $50.
We’re so confident in our technology, we’re putting our money where our mouth is. Compare a mix of offers based on your credit profile – if you apply for one marked with the Karma Guarantee and aren’t approved, we pay you $50.
Karma Guarantee in 1, 2, 3.

Look for offers with the Karma Guarantee badge.

See one you like? Dig into the terms and tap apply.

If you don’t get a “yes,” you’ll still get $50.1 Win-win.

It’s not good luck. It’s the Karma Guarantee.
Over 50% of all credit card applications get declined.2 But now you can apply with more confidence with the Karma Guarantee.
The Karma Guarantee1 is only available on some offers right now. Don’t see any offers with the Karma Guarantee? Keep checking back for updates.
Terms and conditions apply. Not a guarantee of approval. For cards with the Karma Guarantee badge, if you’re not approved, you can receive a payment from Credit Karma. Full Terms here.
Common Questions
The Karma Guarantee is only available on some credit card offers right now, so not all Credit Karma members will see offers with the Karma Guarantee. Look for the Karma Guarantee badge to spot applicable offers.
You will receive an email notification from us if you are eligible for a Karma Guarantee payment. Some exclusions do apply– for example, Credit Karma members aren’t eligible for the Karma Guarantee if they’ve already been declined for an offer with the Karma Guarantee in the past 90 days.
If eligible, we will send you an email with steps to redeem the payment as a prepaid card or gift card. You must complete the steps to redeem the payment as a prepaid card or gift card within 90 days of when the email was sent.
1A Karma Guarantee that you see on a credit card offer on Credit Karma means that if you are declined by the applicable lending partner for that credit card, you can receive a payment from Credit Karma (“Cards Karma Guarantee”).
It is not a guarantee of approval for any credit card offer. Only the lending partner can make the credit approval. By applying for this credit card offer, you consent to the lending partner sharing its credit decision with Credit Karma in order to fulfill the Cards Karma Guarantee.
To be eligible, you must fully complete an application for this credit card offer (including providing any documents required) while signed in to your Credit Karma account, and be declined.
You will not be eligible for payment if: (1) you received a Cards Karma Guarantee payment in the past 90 days; (2) you do not have a Credit Karma account with a verified US telephone number; or (3) if the lending partner declines or does not process your application because you applied for this same credit card with them in the past 90 days.
If eligible, we will send you an email with steps to redeem the payment as a prepaid card or gift card. You must complete the steps to redeem the payment as a prepaid card or gift card, including any identity verification steps, within 90 days of when the email was sent. The value of the payment may be reported on an applicable IRS form.
Sponsored and managed by Credit Karma, LLC, not the lending partner. Not Transferable. Credit Karma is solely responsible for Cards Karma Guarantee fulfillment, and the lending partner is not responsible in any way for the Cards Karma Guarantee. Credit Karma may withhold payment in the event that fraudulent activity or violations of these terms are suspected. Credit Karma reserves the right to modify, cancel, or limit this promotion at any time.
2 Based on national average approval rates for general purpose credit cards from 2022 according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s 2023 Consumer Credit Card Market Report.