In a Nutshell
Acima offers lease-to-own financing on a variety of merchandise, including furniture, auto parts, appliances and electronics. And you may be approved even with no credit. But Acima isn’t upfront about the total costs of leasing, and you may pay a good deal more than you originally thought you would if you don’t pay it off within the first 90 days.What you need to know about Acima lease-to-own financing
Acima offers lease-to-own financing for furniture, appliances, outdoor goods, eyewear, jewelry and more. Since the company considers more than credit scores when you apply for a loan, it might be a good fit if you have bad credit or no credit history.
No minimum credit scores
While some lenders look primarily at your credit scores when deciding whether to approve you for financing, Acima considers other factors.
Who is Acima financing good for?
But if there’s any doubt you can repay it that quickly, you’ll want to avoid this lease-to-own financing. If your credit is in pretty good shape, consider other financing such as a personal loan or a credit card, which may cost less and come with longer repayment terms.
*Approval Odds are not a guarantee of approval. Credit Karma determines Approval Odds by comparing your credit profile to other Credit Karma members who were approved for the personal loan, or whether you meet certain criteria determined by the lender. Of course, there’s no such thing as a sure thing, but knowing your Approval Odds may help you narrow down your choices. For example, you may not be approved because you don’t meet the lender’s “ability to pay standard” after they verify your income and employment; or, you already have the maximum number of accounts with that specific lender.