Intuit Credit Karma
Image: Man and woman standing together on a bridge, discussing lending discrimination
Image: Young couple carry a big cardboard box at new home.
Image: Young woman sitting at home, looking off into the distance
Image: Couple on train using smartphone, looking up the best car buying apps
Image: Stylized woman considers the state of her credit and debt
Image: Multi-generation family talks in kitchen
Image: Woman sitting in her car, looking out the window, thinking about looking for a rent-to-own car.
Image: Two friends sitting on a sofa using digital tablet together
Image: Group of college students laughing and working in the library
Image: Young man sitting at home, using his laptop to read about wire transfer fees
Image: Smiling mother and daughter looking at smart phone
Image: Young couple using a digital tablet to look up what is a jumbo loan
Image: Two women riding the bus, looking up what is a certified check on their cellphone
Image: Couple using tablet at home with boy in background
Image: Happy fathers with daughter in their kitchen, looking up chase mortgage on their laptop
Image: College students walking together
Image: Young woman sitting in front of laptop, researching how to sign a check over to someone else
Image: Young woman sitting at home, drinking coffee and reading on her laptop about the latest stimulus check for Americans
Image: Family baking cookies in kitchen of their new home
Image: Mom reading with toddler
Image: Woman standing against a wall at home, looking up how to switch bank accounts on her cellphone
Image: Man and woman sitting at desk with digital tablet, looking up what is home equity
Image: Woman on couch looking at laptop, figuring out how much money to keep in her checking account
Image: Affectionate couple on sofa in their new home
Image: Couple relaxing watching TV in the living room of their new home
Image: Man sitting at a desk in his apartment, reading on his tablet about what it means to put a check on hold
Image: Man using cellphone to look up what is a negative bank account
Image: Young woman with coffee sitting outside on stairs, using cellphone to look up current balance vs available balance
Photo by Jeff Fusco/Getty ImagesImage: Economic stimulus checks are prepared for printing.
Image: hsbc-mortgage-review
Image: Woman at home in a sunlit room, wondering what a monthly maintenance fee is
Image: Rooftops in suburban housing development
Image: Man looking at check and holding a pencil.
Image: Group of friends sitting together in the back yard, discussing conventional loans as they consider home-buying options
Image: Young man at cafe on laptop considering how to close a checking account
Image: Woman sitting at her kitchen table, reading on her phone about how to cancel a check