Intuit Credit Karma
Image: Pensive female working at desk in home office
Image: Young Hispanic college student wonders "Are scholarships taxable income?"
Image: Young couple, seen from behind, arms around each other, looking at their new home and wondering what they should know about tax reform for homeowners.
Image: Young male looking at his credit card in a sunny room, looking worried and wondering what a fraud alert is.
Image: Smiling young father carrying his child on his shoulders and leading his wife, children and parents on a hike outdoors.
Image: Young man sitting at desk in front of laptop, frustrated that he doesn't know how to file an amended tax return.
Image: Young African-American woman peering over her glasses, skeptical of common tax refund myths.
Image: A group of young adults watching a basketball game together in a home, and cheering for their team.
Image: 0% APR credit cards and confetti
Image: vet checking dog
Image: African-American couple walking down a city street, swinging their little daughter between them.
Image: Young man sitting at desk in front of laptop, holding his forehead and looking frustrated because his tax return was rejected.
Image: Woman signing payment terminal
Mark Wilson/Getty Images News/Getty ImagesImage: Former Equifax CEO Richard Smith testifies to Senate Banking, housing and Urban Affairs Committee
Image: Young man sitting at kitchen table, using his mobile phone to check on the status of his tax refund.
Image: Young Hispanic woman sitting on couch, looking worried, as she reads a letter informing her her tax refund will be offset.
Image: credit-karma-guide-to-finances-for-newlyweds
Image: Young woman sitting on steps outside, filing state income taxes on her laptop.
Image: Young man using a laptop to to fill out a W-4 at home.
Image: A young woman with long brown hair is lying on her sofa, credit card in hand, looking at her tablet, as suns streams through the large windows behind her.
Image: Couple using credit card to make an online purchase
Image: Young couple with sunglasses on, in a vehicle on a sunny day. View is through the driver's window, where a male is behind the wheel.
Image: home-insurance-score
Image: 3 college students read the deserve edu mastercard review while credit card shopping online
Image: Young woman lies on her bed and smiles at her phone.
Image: Old-fashioned red gas pump and classic green wagon with an APR financing offer against a yellow background
Image: Woman in a coffee shop holding her credit card and concerned about why her credit score dropped.
Image: African-American woman sitting on couch and cheering expired tax breaks that have been extended.
Image: Woman using her laptop in a cafe, talking on her cell phone
Image: Young couple holding a piggy bank where they plan to stash the money they save with the Saver's Credit tax credit on their federal income taxes.
Image: A young woman buys vegetables at supermarket.
Image: Smiling food service worker taking order from couple in restaurant.
Image: Man looking at a derogatory mark on his credit reports
Image: Young man at home with his feet up on the couch, calling his bank about an overdraft fee.
Image: Young woman sitting at a desk, reviewing tax preparation documents needed for filing your own taxes
Image: Young couple looking at their bills and struggling financially, wondering who to ask for help.