Great cash back credit cards don’t have to come with major annual fees or complex rewards systems. For those who qualify, a cash rewards card can come without an annual fee, and even offer straightforward perks and savings.
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Cash back credit cards can earn you money for every dollar you spend — but if you’re paying an annual fee to use your card, the reward may not outweigh the cost by much.
Fortunately, you don’t have to lose out on your overall rewards, since a few cards out there get you cash back and come with no annual fee. Some even offer additional perks, such as higher earnings categories that you get to choose. And there are cards offering cash back rewards that are easy to understand and give you great incentives for everyday spending.
Cash back credit cards with no annual fee come in lots of shapes and sizes. We chose our top four based on fairly broad characteristics, but your needs may be more specific.
To narrow the list down and find the single best cash back card for you, consider analyzing your personal spending patterns. Ultimately, the best cash back credit card is the one that’s going to earn you the most cash back for the things you already spend on.
About the author: Sarah C. Brady is a San Francisco–based financial consultant, workshop facilitator and writer. In addition to writing for Credit Karma, Sarah writes for Experian, LendingTree, Magnify Money, MSN News and more. In her … Read more.